Wow, I cannot believe it's been so very long since I posted! So much has happened since I was last here, there's no way to recap the last several months in one post. Let's just say my famiy is so blessed, some people will say we're lucky, but there's no way luck was involved, God has done it all.
It's late and I just came here because I was "lurking" around some of your blogs and realized how much I have missed reading your blogs and keeping up with mine. I will touch of the highlights of what has happened to us in the last few months, then come back and go into more detail later (not months later, I promise).
In January, our oldest daughter, Cindy had a massive heart attack. Although they didn't come directly out and say it the night she was admited, they really didn't expect her to live. The drs later told us that realistically, she shouldn't be here today. She had emergency double bypass surgery and Thank God, she is doing fine now.
That's the short version, I'll fill in details later.
I've missed yall and will be back here soon.
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